Why using Allergens as a weapon in Peter Rabbit isn’t the same as other cartoon violence

The Peter Rabbit movie wasn’t something I wanted to see anyway. I’d seen a few previews and it looked to be full of the sort of humor that I don’t find funny, so I wasn’t making plans to see it–but after hearing reviews and the response from the food allergy community, we will definitely not Read More …

Food Allergy Parents, Be Careful of Food Allergies in Kids Books

Never assume. I was walking through the library the other day and this book caught my eye. Our kids are very interested in superheroes, and villain stories are a lot of fun too, so I thought I would check it out. I looked at the first few pages while still in the library and saw that, Read More …

The Wrong Approach to Food Allergy Awareness

React with Respect This is the theme of Food Allergy Month this year. The campaign encourages others to be respectful (not dismissive, impatient, or mean) when learning that someone has a food allergy–especially if it requires them to take added precautions. This is certainly a courtesy we want others to offer us in restaurants and Read More …