Enjoy Life Foods has rebranded! What do you think of the new look?
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a radical shift towards the color teal in the food allergy community. I don’t know how long teal has been declared as the color for food allergy awareness, but I think that the rise of Teal Pumpkins has brought that color into greater focus.
I think this is a great shift–proudly showing off this color has created greater cohesiveness within the food allergy community. So I applaud Enjoy Life for incorporating the color into their new packaging. It shows their support of this community and (once grocery stores have exhausted their old stock) will make their products easier to spot on store shelves.
We received a special care package from Enjoy Life last month, to help them roll out their new look. So we had our boys help us unveil it!
I wish I’d had a video camera rolling when Kal noticed the chocolate chips–“YES! A WHOLE BAG OF MINI CHIPS!!!!!!!”
This shirt is extremely soft. While I may allow the children to claim the hat and sunglasses (though I like the hat, too), I think I’ll be keeping the shirt to myself.
This is the complete box of goodies we received. The boys aren’t super fond of the bars (but there really aren’t too many bars that they DO like.) We like them though–they feel very light, so they aren’t super sticky or hard to chew like some bars are.
I shop primarily at a grocery store that doesn’t have many free-from options, but it is the most convenient store for me for our staples. My secondary store, which I can hit after dropping my kids off at school, has a better selection. I was happy to swing by the cookie aisle and see that some of the new packaging has trickled in already! We can easily see which varieties of cookies are most popular in our area!
See? All mine!
I first heard of Enjoy Life Foods when Zax was in preschool, and before we had formed Allergy Superheroes. The mom of one of Zax’s classmates showed me the box of cookies she’d brought for her son’s birthday, which were free of all allergens, and was that okay for Zax? Upon first hearing of everything they were free of, my initial reaction was, “what do they contain?!” But Zax enjoyed them, and soon thereafter I became more familiar with the brand and impressed by what they offer.
Enjoy Life Foods has brought things like chocolate, bars, and snack foods back into reach for many people with food allergies. Being always free of the U.S.’s Top 8 Allergens (and lately expanded to eliminate 14 common allergens), we always know that their foods are safe for us. They are especially helpful for people who navigate more than our three food allergens–there are plenty of products that are free of one or a few allergens, but the waters get increasingly difficult to navigate when you add more and more foods to the mix. It’s great to have a selection of foods that are not only free of common allergens, but that are from a company who is very cautious to eliminate any chance of cross contact with any major allergens. These companies don’t come along very often!
We received this box for free from Enjoy Life Foods. All opinions, adorable children, and cute stuffies are our own.