I’m going to cheat this week. What with Zax’s hospitalization, the flu, launching our business, and normal Christmas craziness, I haven’t done any more baking. Instead I’m going to share what my wonderful Aunt sent to us.
This is food allergy loving at its finest! They live half the country away from us, but sent us holiday goodies and included the recipe with her handwritten notes so we knew exactly what went into her cookies.
I noticed there’s no egg at all in these cookies, nor mention of a conventional egg replacer. My Aunt did her work, finding a recipe that was free of our allergens. And boy, are they good! Pairing chocolate with gingerbread is an amazing idea! I think I’ll be making these for myself next year!
So without further ado, here is how to make Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies!
ETA: I just learned that my uncle is the one who found the recipe and baked the cookies. All the above still applies. Thank you!
Linking up at Allergy Free Wednesdays