Why are we so upset by the LEAP study?

Not long ago, we all heard about the landmark LEAP study, which found that if we introduce peanut products to at-risk babies early, we may be able to prevent peanut allergies in the majority of them.  But far from celebrating this breakthrough, much of the response from the food allergy community has ranged from lukewarm Read More …

Blueberry “Cheese”cake Pie

In case you weren’t aware, Saturday was the Ultimate Pi Day! on 3.14.15 at 9:26:53am we enjoyed this Blueberry “Cheese”cake Pie   pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459… We were going out on a limb on this one. We have a couple of recipes for cheesecake pies, and we have a ton of frozen blueberries. That part was easy Read More …

Sunbutter and Jelly Cookie Bars

Even though I grew up with a severe tree nut allergy, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t enjoy peanuts. And I did enjoy peanuts! Perhaps not as much as my husband, but I routinely enjoyed lots of peanut products. Back in the days when hubby and I ate peanuts without a second thought, my mom Read More …

Chocolate Wacky Cake

This is a very old cake recipe. It goes back to the depression era when eggs, butter, and milk were both expensive and rationed, so some genius (who is lost in the annals of history) developed this cake. I’ve seen it referred to online as the “Wacky Cake,” “Crazy Cake,” “Depression Era Cake,” and the Read More …

Peanut Free Pinecone Bird Feeders!

Back during Christmas break, I decided to do a bird feeder craft with the kids.  We all know that the traditional pinecone birdfeeder has peanut butter, but considering that birdseed often contains sunflower seeds, I figured birds (and squirrels, darn them) would be perfectly fine with Sunbutter.  So that’s what we did! It was superhero Read More …

What the new Peanut Findings Mean

The food allergy community was rocked Monday when researchers at the AAAAI Annual Meeting revealed the results of a study stating that early introduction of peanut dramatically reduced the incidence of peanut allergy in children. You can read (one of many) accounts of the study and announcement here. The team identified 640 babies considered to Read More …

Baked Donuts

There are two of us behind most of our Allergy Superheroes accounts, although my husband is the one who is generally behind Pinterest. The other day, he was telling me about all the eggless baked donut recipes he was finding, and that we needed to get a donut pan so we could try them. My Read More …

The Infamous Australian Study

A study out of Australia was all over the internet a few weeks ago.  Headlines were often exaggerated in the extreme, and many in the food allergy community felt the backlash from well-meaning friends and family. “Check it out!  Probiotics will cure your allergy!  Go get some yogurt now!!!!!” I think this study was great, Read More …