Sour Cream Sugar Cookies

My mom came to my rescue this weekend, doing some holiday baking with my kids and providing me with a Christmas recipe! Sour Cream Cookies (Contains wheat and dairy) Ingredients: 1 cup margarine 1 1/2 cup sugar 1 Tbsp Energ-G egg replacer whipped with 4 Tbsp water (2 egg equivalent) 1 cup sour cream 1 Read More …

Food Allergy Nature versus Nurture

I honestly didn’t think I would be blogging about the science of food allergies this often, but the articles keep coming!  This article is about a study by a prominent food allergy researcher, Dr. Kari Nadeau, and involves newer, more revealing food allergy blood tests: There can be arguments in the food allergy community Read More …

Dark Chocolate Cherry Fudge

The holiday goodies continue this week with homemade fudge! This was pretty fast to prepare, but you have to do it in advance because it needs to chill for a couple hours. Chocolate is always a hit in our house, so I don’t think these will last for very long! This recipe contains milk and Read More …

Peanut Dust Exposure Linked to Peanut Allergy

Time to analyze another study on a potential cause of food allergies.  These articles made the rounds on social media a few weeks ago: The gist is that they studied babies (3-15 months) who were already considered higher risk for developing a peanut allergy because they had milk and/or egg allergies or they Read More …

Soft Gingerbread

I decided to start the baking season this weekend with a gingerbread recipe! It’s free of egg, soy, peanut, and tree nut. This is a cakey gingerbread, not a hard cookie you would build houses out of. The house smelled wonderful, and it made for a great last-minute dessert to bring to a family gathering. Read More …

Turkey and Rice Soup

This hearty Turkey and Rice Soup, made with the bones of your leftover poultry, will stretch your grocery budget in a delicious way! Make it with chicken, too! Read More …