FABlogCon Sponsors!

Allergy Superheroes has exciting news: We are going to be Sponsors for FABlogCon 2015!!! That’s right!  Our big launch will be in the spring, and we decided what better way to cap off our inaugural year than by connecting with and helping other allergy bloggers and parents? It also works out great that FABlogCon will Read More …

The Great Cupcake Experiment – an Egg Replacer Comparison

I’ve been baking without egg for more than five years now, but it’s still often an experiment. A while ago, I decided to try to figure out the best egg substitute to use. Of course, the best egg substitute always depends on the type of baked good. So for this experiment my medium was cupcakes. Read More …

Red Velvet Cupcakes

The kids in Zax’s kindergarten class agreed on foods they wanted at their Valentine’s party, and the only potentially problematic food on the list was cupcakes. I decided to take matters into my own hands and sign up to bring those cupcakes, because I knew I could make some that everyone in the class could Read More …

Crayon Cupcake Valentines!

We had a lot of fun making our Valentines this year!  We decided to make them allergy friendly, and so we hauled out an old favorite craft–the Crayon Cupcake! This is also a great way to get rid of old, broken crayons (of which we had almost a full bucket.) I removed the wrappers, and Read More …

Luau Pizza!

Whilst at a pizza place last month, I was inspired to try making my own from scratch. My parents used to make homemade pizza when I was growing up, but since then I’ve always purchased a store-bought crust at the very least. But I was inspired, and turned to the internet for help.   I Read More …

Parmesan Chicken

With the homemade seasoned breadcrumbs I posted about last week, we made Parmesan Chicken for dinner! It was so very yummy that I had to share! This recipe is pretty labor-intensive. Hubby did the bulk of the work, and was remarking that he remembers why we don’t make it very often–just because it takes sooooo Read More …

Potential Egg Allergy Study – and how I feel

Last week, I heard of a nearby clinical study for egg allergies.  It will be comparing regular OIT therapy with a different, potentially more “user friendly” version of OIT.  I requested more information, and connected with them just a few short days later. In the time between hearing of the study and talking to someone Read More …

Homemade Seasoned Breadcrumbs

Yum! I have had a very hard time finding breadcrumbs that I can buy. Not very many varieties of bread (especially sandwich bread) have egg in them, but for some reason, most breadcrumbs do contain egg. This is a conundrum to me. But as a result, we seldom make recipes that require breadcrumbs, because of how Read More …